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Get in touch via email: office@oraharo.com.
We are always happy to hear from enthusiastic individuals who like to face challenges and join a startup adventure!
If you feel like you're interested in tech innovations, creation of something new and exciting, questioning and challenging status quo, all that with a strong set of skills in the background, you might be just what we are looking for! Send your CV and motivation letter to office@oraharo.com, we'll do our best to get in touch as soon as possible!
Look left.
We cherish thoughts, ideas and the power of thinking. The brain symbolizes the systematic approach, the well thought-out implementation of ideas hatched in that very brain, the intelligence that underlies everything we do.
Our apps and projects aim at developing thinking in the user. Yes, they are fun too, but we prefer the smart way of having fun. Don’t you appreciate the achievement when you figure it out instead of merely running into it?
All in all, we worship the brain as the best organ we as a race have developed and adore all the powers it has.
It’s not just that we value traveling (to Easter Island, why not?!), even though we like to work with people who have seen the world. The faces in our logo represent people that make our company.
One of our key values is to keep our employees happy with what they do. If you take a closer look, the faces in the logo actually smile, don’t you think? Happy people make pretty things, and enjoy while doing so. By enabling good work-life balance and putting personal happiness of each and every person in our company as priority, we ensure that every aspect of our daily work is done with positive emotions.
When you start using our apps, we want you to taste sugar, not pepper. And sugar comes from happy people.
The walnut says we’re tough. No matter how small, our shell is thick and strong and we are not afraid of bumping into walls or falling from trees.
We are not talking about hardheadedness here. It’s just that we don’t take “no” for an answer until we ask a series of subsequent questions to verify that we should indeed give up on our “yes”. Too many good things in history have been developed from “bad ideas” and “impossible attempts”, so we consider it our responsibility to push an idea forward if we believe in it. And even if we do hit the wall with an idea… Well, we’re still a walnut. A walnut that’s very hard to break, and we’ll live.
So, the walnut is not about being stubborn. It’s about having the guts to hit the wall.